
Test Blog.

Testing out the blog and some features

Test Blog.

Originally posted on Thu Jul 23 2020

If you are seeing this post then you must have found my blog very early on, or you have scrolled right to the end, either way Hello There!

Obi Wan Kenobi Says Hello There
General Kenobi!

This post is here for me to test writing a blog in this format and to make sure everything works. Special shout out to Dan, my first official reader.

As a special treat, here is a picture of my parents new puppy, Stan.

A cute tiny German Shepherd puppy
I call him Staniel

The blog is all written in Markdown, so I can embed images and format my text easily.

  System.out.println("I can also add code snippets!")

Plus it is automatically converted to html, so I can also add things which wouldn't usually be possible in pure Markdown, like iframe tags, which allow me to do things like embed youtube videos:


Post by

Josh Glasson

Software Developer. Creator and owner of this blog.